Narayani Samudayik Hospital

The NPI Narayani Samudayik Hospital

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About Hospital

The NPI Narayani Samudayik Hospital was established in 2005 AD driven by the Vision to provide best medical healthcare to the people of Chitwan and its neighboring district so that the people be treated well as they were compelled to travel out of even for minor treatment.

As the overwhelming response it received from the people of this region, the hospital became one of the best hospital to provide finest healthcare in a pleasant environment by professional medical team. The hospital offered advance medical technology and expert medical care for the patient.

NPI Narayani Samudayik Hospital is a 100 bedded modern hospital, directly runs its own academic programs as Lab Assistants, Lab Technician, HA, Staff Nurse, Post Basic Nursing and B. Sc. Nursing.



Expert Doctors



Happy Patients



Award Winner